Month to Month Rental Agreement Uk

Month to Month Rental Agreement UK: The Ultimate Guide

When it comes to renting a property, most tenants and landlords opt for long-term fixed-term agreements. However, month-to-month rental agreements can be an attractive option for both parties, providing flexibility and ease of use. In this article, we`ll explore everything you need to know about month-to-month rental agreements in the UK, including their benefits, legal requirements, and how to create one.

What is a Month-to-Month Rental Agreement?

A month-to-month rental agreement, also known as a rolling tenancy or periodic tenancy, is a type of rental agreement that automatically renews each month. Unlike a fixed-term tenancy, which has set dates, a rolling tenancy continues on a month-by-month basis until either the tenant or landlord terminates it.

What are the Benefits of a Month-to-Month Rental Agreement?

Flexibility – A rolling tenancy provides flexibility for both the landlord and tenant. The tenant can move out at any time, and the landlord can give notice if they want to sell the property or increase rent.

Ease of Use – A month-to-month rental agreement is easy to set up and manage. It has no set end date, so there are no renewal or renegotiation processes to go through.

Lower Risk – Unlike long-term tenancies, a rolling tenancy has a lower risk for both landlords and tenants. If things don`t work out, either party can terminate the agreement with minimal consequences.

Legal Requirements for a Month-to-Month Rental Agreement

While month-to-month rentals may seem informal, they still have specific legal requirements that need to be met.

Notice Period – In the UK, landlords must give tenants at least one month`s notice before ending a rolling tenancy. Similarly, tenants must give at least one month`s notice before moving out.

Rent Increases – Landlords have the right to increase rent, but they must give tenants at least one month`s notice if they plan to do so.

Deposit Protection – Landlords must protect tenants` deposits by placing them in a government-approved deposit scheme.

How to Create a Month-to-Month Rental Agreement

Creating a rolling tenancy agreement is relatively straightforward. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Define the Terms of the Agreement – Determine the rent amount, payment due date, and any other conditions of the tenancy.

Step 2: Include the Notice Period – As mentioned above, both the landlord and tenant must give one month`s notice to end the tenancy. Make sure to include this in the agreement.

Step 3: Protect the Deposit – To ensure that the tenant`s deposit is protected, include a section that discusses deposit protection and which scheme it will be held in.

Step 4: Sign the Agreement – Once the tenancy agreement is complete, both parties should sign it to ensure that all terms of the rental agreement are understood.


Month-to-month rental agreements can be an attractive option for both landlords and tenants who are looking for flexibility and ease of use. However, it`s essential to understand the legal requirements and obligations that come with a rolling tenancy agreement. By following the steps outlined above, you can create a strong rental agreement that protects both parties and ensures a smooth tenancy.

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