Monthly Archives: Tháng Ba 2023

High Service Level Agreement

As businesses grow, they often need to work with external service providers to handle certain tasks and responsibilities. However, these partnerships come with their own set of risks, including delays, miscommunications, and quality control issues. That`s why many businesses require a high service level agreement (SLA) from their service providers. A high service level […]

Posted in Chưa phân loại

Working Capital Loan Agreement India

When it comes to running a business, managing finances is one of the most crucial aspects. Working capital is the lifeline of any business, as it enables a company to run its operations smoothly. However, maintaining sufficient working capital can be challenging for some businesses. This is where a Working Capital Loan Agreement can […]

Posted in Chưa phân loại

The Trips Agreement

The TRIPS Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide In 1994, the World Trade Organization (WTO) introduced the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement. This global agreement aimed to establish uniform standards for the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights (IPRs) in international trade. The TRIPS Agreement is considered the most comprehensive international agreement […]

Posted in Chưa phân loại
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