Surrogacy Agreement Format

Surrogacy Agreement Format: A Comprehensive Guide

Surrogacy is an arrangement where a woman agrees to carry and deliver a baby for another person/couple. This process involves legal procedures and documentation to ensure that everything is done legally and ethically. A surrogacy agreement is one of the most important documents in this process. It outlines the expectations, responsibilities, and rights of all parties involved. In this article, we`ll provide a comprehensive guide on the surrogacy agreement format.

1. Introduction: The introduction of a surrogacy agreement should clearly state the intent of the parties involved. It should include the names and addresses of the surrogate mother, intended parents, and any other parties involved in the surrogacy arrangement. It should also specify the reason for the surrogacy arrangement.

2. Terms of the Agreement: This section of the surrogacy agreement should outline the terms and conditions of the arrangement, including:

a. Medical Procedures: The medical procedures involved in the surrogacy process should be clearly stated in the agreement. This may include the type of medical procedures involved in the process, the location of the medical procedures, and the responsibilities of the surrogate mother and intended parents during these procedures.

b. Compensation: The compensation for the surrogate mother should be clearly stated in the agreement. This may include any expenses related to the surrogacy process, such as medical bills, travel costs, and other expenses.

c. Parental Rights: The surrogacy agreement should specify the parental rights of the intended parents. This may include the names of the intended parents on the birth certificate, the rights of the intended parents to make medical decisions for the child, and any other rights related to parenthood.

d. Termination of Agreement: The surrogacy agreement should also specify the circumstances under which the agreement will be terminated. This may include the failure of the surrogate mother to follow medical procedures, the failure of the intended parents to make payments, or any other breach of the agreement.

3. Confidentiality: The surrogacy agreement should include provisions for confidentiality. This may include the agreement of all parties involved not to disclose any information related to the surrogacy arrangement to third parties.

4. Governing Law: The surrogacy agreement should specify the governing law that will apply in case of any disputes. This is important since surrogacy laws vary from state to state.

5. Signatures: Finally, the surrogacy agreement should be signed by all parties involved. The signatures of the surrogate mother, intended parents, and any other parties involved should be included in the agreement.


In conclusion, a surrogacy agreement is an essential document in the surrogacy process. It outlines the expectations, responsibilities, and rights of all parties involved. The format of the surrogacy agreement should be comprehensive, including information about medical procedures, compensation, parental rights, termination of the agreement, confidentiality, governing law, and signatures of all parties. By following this guide, you can ensure that your surrogacy agreement is legally binding and protects the interests of all parties involved.

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